Tuesday, November 25, 2008

GIve Thanks for What God Has Done

Giving Thanks for what God has done

Remember His wonders which He has done,
His marvels and the judgments uttered by His mouth,
Psalm 105:5

O LORD, how many are Your works!
Psalm 104:24

During a season of infertility, it is easy to focus entirely on what God has not yet provided and not remember to praise Him for His mighty works. Our focus often becomes what we are asking God for, and we often forget to offer our thanks for what He has already done in our lives. Today, why not spend some time thanking Him for His wondrous works in your life? It is perfectly okay to let your requests be made known to Him. In fact, God invites you to come to Him with your pleas and calls you to come to Him with your desire for a baby. But in this season of Thanksgiving, let’s not forget to offer our thanks for the works and wonders God has done in our lives.

What has God done for you personally? Look around the room where you sit right now. Are you home? God has provided your home! Are you at work? God has given you the ability to work and make the money to provide your home. Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us to “remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth”. Give thanks for your home and your material belongings as well as the job you hold. These are gifts from God’s hand.

Keep looking around you. Are there pictures around you, proudly displaying loved ones who fill your life with love? Who is the wonderful spouse God has provided to share your life? Can you imagine your life without him? Give God thanks! Remember that He is the designer of marriage. He did this for you! Are there photos of parents or friends? God has granted those relationships. He doesn’t want you making life’s journey alone so He devised relationships. Give thanks for the people He has placed in your life.

What else has God done for you? Has He healed your body or someone you love? Give thanks. Has He provided for you or for someone you love? Give thanks. Has something happened that can only be described as miraculous? Give thanks. Has He cleansed your soul from sin? Though you can never, ever give thanks enough for this amazing gift, give thanks.

If your heart is heavy and you struggle to give thanks for things in your own life, open the pages of your Bible and read of God’s mighty works and give thanks. If you don’t have a Bible, go to www.BibleGateway.com. You can find the Bible on-line there.
Give thanks for God caring about infertile women--Sarah, Elizabeth, Rachel, Manoah’s wife, Hannah, Rebekah
Give thanks that He gave children to infertile women
Give thanks that He brought healing to parents grieving the death of their baby-David & Bathsheba
Give thanks that God provided financially--tax money in a fish’s mouth
Give thanks that God fought battles for people when the fight was too big for them to fight for themselves--David vs. Goliath, Gideon,--the list goes on and on!
Give thanks for Calvary
Give thanks for Heaven

Give Thanks!

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