Friday, June 13, 2008

Will you pray for my friend?

We are asking for prayer for a precious friend of Sarah's Laughter.  Her name is Rene and she is 20 1/2 weeks pregnant with twin girls.  This pregnancy has been such as blessing as Rene has experienced such sorrow in trying to having children.  In 2007, she suffered three devastating miscarriages.  She has been so thrilled with this pregnancy, as all has been going beautifully.  Until last Tuesday.

When Rene went for her doctor's appointment on June 10, they found a terrible situation.  Rene's body is "rejecting the pregnancy" and without a definitive miracle from God's hand, the doctors give the baby girls almost no chance for survival.

Rene's babies need to stay in the womb until at least 28 weeks of pregnancy to have a decent chance of survival without profound physical problems.  Rene is 54 days away from being 28 weeks pregnant.  We want to find 54 people who will commit to making Rene a focus of their prayers for one day.  That way, Rene will know that someone is specifically praying for the survival of her babies every single day until they reach viability.  When Rene reaches 28 weeks, we can continue this prayer list as we need to.

Would you consider taking a day to be Rene's prayer partner?  Sarah's Laughter will contact you the night before, reminding you of your day to pray and also updating you on the situation so that you will know specifically how to pray.  If you would like to join with Sarah's Laughter in praying for Rene and her babies, simply respond to this blog with a comment and we'll let you know what day to cover.  Of course, if there is a specific day you'd like to take, let us know and we'll put you down for that day.  Also, feel free to forward this to anyone you know who would be willing to commit to pray for Rene for a day.

We are believing God for magnificent results in the lives of this family.  Thank you so much for joining with us in effectual, fervent prayer for the lives of these precious, much desired baby girls.

In His Service, MA, BCCC
Sarah's Laughter
Christian Support for Infertility & Child Loss 

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